Assessments: Creating Assessments

An assessment in HindSite Solution is a set of questions that is asked to the field user to gather information about the property or the work order. In this article we will cover how to create assessments for use in HindSite.

To first create an assessment, you must navigate to the maintenance portion of HindSite by clicking ‘Go to Maint’. From there, you would select the Assessments section and then all the current active assessments available would be displayed by default. To create a new assessment, you will click the New button on the right-hand side of the screen.

After clicking new, a blank assessment record would display. To create the estimate, you would first provide the Assessment name, and then click the Save Assessment button.

Once the assessment has been saved, you can double click back into the newly created assessment and click the New Question button on the right-hand side to add your first question to the assessment.

After clicking the New Question button, you would then enter in the question you would like to be included on the assessment, assign a sort order number to the question, and determine if the questions should be required to be answered when the assessment is run. For the sort order, it is best practice to enter those sort orders in increments of 10 to allow for easier adjustments to assessments in the future.

After entering in the basic question information, the next step would be to distinguish the type of question being asked. If set to be a Yes/No Question, the field user would be able to answer the question as only Yes or No. This type of question also does have some additional functionality that can allow questions to be skipped depending on the answer from the field user.

The next question types commonly used in assessment would be the Selection List or the Multi-Selection List types. Both types of questions operate based on a predetermined list setup here in the question. The field user when answering one of these question types would have the list of available answers to choose from. For the selection list, the field user is only able to choose one answer from the list, where in the multi-selection list, the field user can choose one or more options from the list.

The last type of question that is commonly used in assessments would be the Text Answer. When selecting the text answer, you can choose which type of text is appropriate for the question.

If it is information, you would like the field user to manually enter with no limitations, then the option for Open Text would be used.

If the question was to capture a numeric value like the number of zones or the square footage of a specific area on the property, then you would want to set the type to Numeric Only to only allow numeric characters to be entered.

Lastly, if the answer to the question is to be provided as a date, the Date Only option can be selected, and a calendar tool should appear on the field user’s device to select a date.

Now that you have your assessment question created, you then need to determine if this information should solely be saved onto the assessment or if the answer to the question should be recorded onto the contact record under a User Defined Field. Commonly, information about the property or the system at the property that is unlikely to change frequently is recorded as a UDF where information specific to the work order is left without any association.

To associate a UDF to the assessment question, you would select the dropdown and choose which UDF to associate the question answer to. Once set, the answer from the field user should record onto the UDF for the contact record.

Once complete, you can click Save and then repeat the process above until all the needed questions have been added to the assessment.