Compare what a visit was estimated to take for both time and materials to what it actually did take to complete.
Report looks at the amount of time a service is budgeted for and uses the actual time to get the difference.
Field Name |
Data Source |
Date From |
Starting date of report |
Date Thru |
Ending date of report |
Subtotal by |
A way to organize the data. Gets the information by property, service, crew. |
Report Display |
Adds the details of each visit that creates the numbers |
Work To Do |
Allows to filter by service(s) |
Crew ID |
Crews |
Order By |
Order by is just how the report is ordered, essentially choosing which column it orders the report by |
Alert Less Than (Hours) |
NA |
Property Name |
Property |
Budgeted Time |
Amount of time it should take to complete the work |
Actual Time |
Actual time it takes to complete the work |
Difference |
Actual time subtracted from the budgeted time |