This article will cover how a user would create estimates in mass/bulk for existing properties within FieldCentral.

Once the user has logged into FieldCentral, navigate to the Main Menu and select “Accounts”.

Then select “Property Search”

Within the Property Search, the user will use the filters to narrow down the list of properties to only those they want to send an estimate.

Once satisfied with the list of properties, the user will click on the “Mass Action” drop down and select “Create Estimates for All”.

This will open the “Select Estimate Template” window where the user will select the Estimate Service, Estimate Template and give the estimate a title. Additionally, the user can select Start/End Dates if desired before clicking “Continue”.

A confirmation window will appear stating that the estimates have been created and where the user can find them. When the user clicks “Continue” again the will be directed to the “Estimates & Opportunities” page where the estimates now live.