This article will cover how to create a new user within FieldCentral and what they can expect in order to activate their account. 

Once logged in to FieldCentral, navigate to the Settings page either via the Main Menu or quick action panel. 

Click on “User Maintenance”.

To add a new user, click on the green plus button on the top right corner of the page. 

This will open up the “Add User” window. Complete by providing the user/employee information and assigning the user their role from the drop down menu. 

If applicable, you would assign the user to their crew here. 

When “Save Changes” is clicked, an activation email will be sent to the new user's email address for them to complete the process and set up a password. 

Please note: each user must have their own email address.

To edit a user, click on the user you want to edit and adjust any information needed or deactivate the user. Be sure to click “Done” in order to save the changes. 

To review previous sent activation emails, click on the blue button on the top left of the page. This will open up a log where the user would simply click on any email they want to view and then close the window when finished. 


If a user is marked as "Active" and has used their credentials were used to login within the previous month, this constitutes being billed for this user.

Check out the quick video!