This article will cover how a FieldCentral user would Edit a Contract/Seasonal Agreement. 

Once the user has logged into FieldCentral, use the Main Menu and navigate to the Sales & Est. Page.

Open the “Contracts” section. 

To locate the desired contract/seasonal agreement, the user will utilize the filters on the left side of the page. 

Once the contract/seasonal agreement has been located, the user will click on the contract/seasonal agreement icon on the right side of the log to open the details. 

In order to edit, the user will first need to click the edit button in the top right corner and then the user will be able to make the desired changes. To edit the work to do’s for the contract/seasonal agreement the user will click on the “Service” tab.

From the Services tab, the user is able to delete or edit any existing Work To Do using the icons on the right side of the page. To add a WTD the user will click on the green plus button. Once all desired edits are made, the user will simply click “Done” to save the changes.