FieldCentral Release (9/13/24)

We are excited to share with you the updates included in this release for FieldCentral. The announcement will be broken up into three sections: Updated Features and Resolved Issues.

We greatly appreciate any time you invested in order to either report an issue or request an enhancement. Your feedback is highly valued! 


The following are updates to existing features that are intended to enhance the quality of life for our clients. 

  • The Visits to Do page performance is improved when increasing the page limit to mass action the records on the screen. When the per page limit is set to 250 or more records per page, the columns displayed will be locked into the view and no additional columns will be selectable. This helps limit the amount of 'hidden' data pulled into the page and results in improved performance. If users want to add columns via the Column Selector, they can set the Per Page Limit back to under 250 or click on the new 'Reset to Default Limit & Column List' button to automatically reset the page limit to the default value.

  • The Estimate Template page will ensure the Estimate Template and Multi Bid Template have a unique name and does not contain special characters (i.e. ';'). This will help support the new import functionality to assign Estimate Templates/Multi-Bid Templates to Properties.

  • Utilizing the new Service Agreement tags on the Property, see which Accounts have a Service Agreement assigned, filter the list for a value assigned, and export the list.
  • Utilizing the new Service Agreement tags on the Property, pull which Accounts have a Service Agreement assigned, and then mass action those records. For example, mass create Opportunities for those Properties that have a specific Service Agreement assigned.

  • In the existing Property import, included a new column that can be used to map one to many Estimate Templates or Mulit-Bid Templates to a Property. This mapping does not automatically create an Estimate for this property. Instead, it applies a Seasonal Agreement 'tag' to this property that can be used to quickly identify / filter which Properties should or have a particular Estimate assigned to them.

  • The Property screen has a new Service Agreement field where a user can assign any number of Estimate Templates or Multi-Bid Templates. This assignment does not automatically create an Estimate for the Property, but does help 'tag' the property for search & mass action purposes.


The following are client-reported issues and HindSite Software discovered issues that have now been resolved. 

  • Estimated man hours are no longer getting overwritten after changing a Price Matrix record and choosing the option to update existing visits & estimates.
  • Reset password page no longer errors out if missing a required character, and displays missing password requirements.
  • Users can see the detail of a text in the Text History screen.
  • Fixed an issue where no Rate Type or the incorrect Rate Type was accidently getting assigned to a WTD when scheduling Visits. The Rate Type override option was removed to prevent a billing mismatch from occurring (i.e. where the configured Rate Type on the WTD did not match that on the resulting Scheduled Visit). This change was made in three areas: (1) Creating a Visit To Do on the Visit to Do Screen, (2) Schedule screen > Create & Schedule Visit, and (3) Mass Creating VTD from Accounts Screen.

We encourage YOU to communicate with us as you discover features that would help you in your day to day business and let us know if you run into a system issue so we can quickly address it.  We are here to help and make your life easier!

Please take advantage of the Help Desk when logged into FieldCentral if you do have an issue or you want to submit a new feature idea.