An overview of profitability by Customer, Employee, or Work To Do. Revenue less the costs associated with that revenue provides the gross profit for the Customer, Employee or Work To Do.
Report looks at the profit by customer, property, service and displays all the costs associated and subtracts that by the sales to generate that gross profit by what's selected
Field Name |
Data Source |
Date From |
Starting date of report |
Date Thru |
Ending date of report |
Subtotal by |
You can view this report by property, crew, or service |
Report Display |
Show Details will show the same report as when it's unchecked. When checked it not only includes the default information but also all the visits that the report used to generate those numbers |
Work To Do |
Allows to filter by service(s) |
Crew |
Crews |
Order By |
Order by is just how the report is ordered, essentially choosing which column it orders the report by |
Property Name |
Property |
Sales |
Amount of sales generated |
Labor Cost |
Cost of the labor to do the work |
Material Cost |
Cost of the materials needed to complete the work |
Total cost |
Time and Materials added together |
Gross Profit |
Sales subtracted by the total cost |