UDF Imports

UDF Imports

User Defined Field imports allow you to mass update UDFs for all of your existing customers. Please read carefully and take your time. Not following the directions will undeniably lead to grief and heartache.

Step One: Export your spreadsheet.

  1. Go to Contacts.
  2. Use the search fields to retrieve the list of customers you want to update.
  3. Select Report 
  4. Select Export to File at the top
  5. Select all of the UDFs you want to update for your customers.
    Make sure to always include Contact ID. This field is required for all UDF imports.
  6. Select Browse in the bottom right to select the location you want to save the file to.
  7. Once you select the file location, select Export in the bottom right.

Step Two: Update your data.

  1. Once your data has been exported to an excel sheet, update the fields using Excel.

Step Three: Format your spreadsheet.

Each UDF has its own UD and Sub Line number. You will need to use these numbers as your column headers. Follow the steps below to help format your spreadsheet. See attachment below for an example.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Utilities > Application Setup and select User Defined Fields in the top right. This will bring you to your list of User Defined Field Groups.
  2. Select the Subs button to view the UDFs.
  3. On this page, you will see a list of all your UDFs in that group. Each UDF will have a number in the UD Number column and the Sub Line column. Use these numbers as your column headers on your spreadsheet (see screenshots below for an example)
  4. Once your columns have the correct column headers and your data has been updated; select File, select Save As, select Browse, set the Save as type to Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt), save.

In the example below 1:4 is my "Backflow Location" field, 1:14 is my "Number of Zones" field, and 4:10 is my "Winterization Price" field.



WARNING: If you are using formulas in your excel sheet, the formulas will be deleted and will be replaced with the formula value when the document is saved as a Text (Tab delimited) file.

Step Three: Import your spreadsheet.

  1. Go to Maintenance, select Utilities, select Imports
  2. Open the drop-down menu and select UDF
  3. Select the Browse button (across from File Path) and find your tab delimited file. Select it and click Open.
  4. Once the file has been selected, select the Import button in the bottom right. HindSite will prompt you to take a backup, take a backup. Once the backup is completed, the import will begin.

If you have any other questions, feel free to give us a call at our mainline (888) 752-5978, email us at Support@HindSiteSoftware.com or submit a ticket through our portal.

See attachment below for an example spreadsheet.