QuickBooks Imports and Exports

QuickBooks Imports and Exports

QuickBooks imports allow you to mass update your lists in HindSite or QuickBooks with a click of a button. Please read carefully and take your time. Not following the directions will undeniably lead to grief and heartache.

WARNING: Take a backup before using any of the QuickBooks import options. Many of the options send or receive large lists so they are extremely time-consuming to fix.

Importing Customers

Below are the QuickBooks import options you can choose from and what they do.

  • Pull All Customers (Add and Update All)
    HindSite will import and update all customers using your QuickBooks customer list. This option is typically only recommended for new HindSite Solution customers to pull the entire customer list. If you are not a new HindSite Solution customer, it is very likely that this option will create duplicate customers or import unwanted customers from QuickBooks.
  • Pull Only Updates
    HindSite will only update existing customers using your QuickBooks customer list. This option is usually our recommended option for updating existing customers lists in HindSite.
  • Pull Only New Customers
    HindSite will only import new customers using your QuickBooks customer list. This option is not typically recommended for the same reasons as Pull All Customers.
  • Pull Specific Customers
    When you select this option, a box will appear on the right and allow you to type in a customer's QuickBooks ID and pull only that specific customer. This is typically the only other option we recommend using if you have an existing customer list in HindSite.

Exporting Customers

Below are the steps you need to follow to export a list of customers to QuickBooks. This will update existing customers in QuickBooks and create any that do not exist.

  1. Open the contact search page and use the search fields to retrieve a list of customers you want to export to QuickBooks.
  2. Once your list has been retrieved, select the Export to QB button on the left. Once you select Yes to the verification prompt, HindSite will begin exporting your list to QuickBooks. This may take a while depending on the number of contacts.

Importing and Exporting Products/Parts

Below are the QuickBooks import and export options you can choose from and what they do. If you are looking to mass update the price and cost of your existing parts in HindSite, you may want to consider updating the price and cost via a spreadsheet import instead. 

WARNING: The Products/Parts imports and exports uses your item list from QuickBooks. Because the item list in QuickBooks is a generalized list of your parts, services, and technicians; many of the import options will pull your services and other unwanted items as parts.

  • Pull All Items (Add and Update All)
    HindSite will import and update all parts using your QuickBooks item list. This option is typically not recommended because of the warning above.
  • Pull Only Updates
    HindSite will only update existing parts using your QuickBooks item list.
  • Pull Only New Items
    HindSite will only import new items from QuickBooks. This option is almost never recommended due to the warning above.
  • Send Price and Cost to QB
    HindSite will only export the price and cost of existing parts in HindSite to QuickBooks. This option is usually our recommended option for updating existing items in QuickBooks.
  • Pull Only Price and Cost
    HindSite will only import the price and cost of existing parts in HindSite from QuickBooks. This option is usually our recommended option for updating existing parts in HindSite using QuickBooks.
  • Pull Specific Item/Subitems
    Select the option and fill in the Item ID to import or update the part in HindSite.

Importing Tax Codes

If you use tax codes in QuickBooks, you can import your tax codes from your QuickBooks by going to Maintenance > Tax Codes and selecting the QuickBooks button on the right.