Budget Vs. Actuals Times Report

What is the Budget Vs. Actuals Times Report?

This report will show and differences between the amount of time budgeted to complete a visit versus the actual amount of time spend to complete the visit. This report helps the user with gauging their current team and customers and allows for building a strong insight into the current market.

For example, when running this report subtotaled by Property, you'll gain insight into which properties were bid improperly for the budgeted time due to the differences. A user may also gain strong insights when running this report subtotaled by Crews. By running the report subtotaled by Crews, a user can see which crew is more efficient depending on the differences. A user may also gain strong insights when the report is subtotaled by Service. The differences can allow the user to gain insights into which services are being handled more efficiently on certain properties or in general.

