- Changed reports to print from schedule screen to filter by division if the user is in a specific division
- Fixed an issue where scheduling a pending work order would throw a message that "This customer has other services already scheduled for this day!" when there were none
- TRAINING VIDEOS link changed to https://hindsitesoftware.litmos.com
HSFEEDBACK link changed to https://portal.fieldcentral.com/
SUPPORTQ link changed to https://portal.fieldcentral.com/
CHANGELOG link changed to https://portal.fieldcentral.com/knowledge/release-notes - Corrected a rounding issue when the minimum is less than .00005 cents different than the calculated amount
- Pink notes were duplicating when multiple instances of Solution are open
- Using the middle distance option is causing an error when recalculating
- Contract default dates can now be set on Contract screen
- The monthly view now displays Divisions so a manager can look at all WO's by day for their entire division
- Field message pink notes will go to different users based on divisions