Having trouble sending emails? Try this first…

The contact you're sending to doesn't have a valid email in HS, or the checkboxes aren't checked for the types of emails to send 

  • You can check this under the contact phone/email section with add/remove. Then click the box for the emails the client should receive and click save.
  • If sending mass emails, make sure the "Email Mass Send" box is checked. Further, double check to make sure everyone being sent an email has the correct email & formatting.

If you are trying to send mass reminders out via daily options, reminder emails need to be enabled under the service

  • You can check that by going to Maintenance > Service and Categories > Select the service > HS connect > checking the emails you want to send. You can also select the custom template for that service. (In the example below, only confirmation emails would send for the service "Admin Time")

That customer already has a pending email in queue, and you cannot send another until it has sent out

  • To check if the email is pending in queue go to Dashboard > HindSite Connect and look for where it says "Emails in the queue waiting to send". If you are sending mass emails it can take up to an hour for these to send out. If they are stuck in queue longer than that, contact HindSite support.

"No Emails Sent" Pop Up

  1. The contact you're trying to send to doesn't have a valid email in HindSite, or the checkboxes aren't checked for the types of emails to send.
  2. If they are trying to send mass reminders out via daily options, reminder emails need to be enabled under the service.
  3. That customer already has a pending email in queue, and you cannot send another until it has sent out.

The email status is "processed" and "Not delivered"

  1. Log into SendGrid and select the activity tab on the left-hand side.
  2. Search for the email address that is not being delivered. 
  3. If the results of the search show up as Not Delivered click on that email to expand it.
  4. Under the Event History if you find that it was Blocked expand that section. If the Full Response shows as followed:  

    Unauthenticated email from yourdomain.org is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of your domain if this was a legitimate mail. To learn about the DMARC initiative, go to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=DmarcRejection s30-

  5. Contact your IT team to update your DMARC policy to match the recommended settings from SendGrid documentation.  Link listed below: 