Provides the owner with insight and shows trends in key areas of the business from data entered into FieldCentral.

Report looks at Visits To Do and Incomplete Visits for the year. The report breaks down the total number of Visits To Do and Incomplete Visits. Provides data for each Work To Do for this year and last year. It calculates the difference to display where things may have grown or declined. The report also includes scheduled work for work within 30 days and anything past 30 days.

Field Name

Data Source

Incomplete Visits

Visits that have been marked incomplete and have a proposed date for the current year

Visits To Do

Visits that have a proposed date for the current year

Work To Do

Work to do services

Created to date last year

Amount of visits that were created last year

created to date this year

Amount of visits that were created this year.


Subtract this years totals from last years to get the difference between years

Sched Next 30

Visits that have a proposed date to be completed within the next 30 days

Sched after 30

Visits that have a proposed date scheduled after 30 days time.

Total Last year

Adds all the data from the "Created to date last year" column to get the total

Total this year

Adds all the data from the "Created to date this year" column to get the total


Subtracts the total from this year from the total from last year to get the difference.