In this article we will cover how a user would navigate to and manage pricing exceptions utilizing a Price Matrix within FieldCentral including some best practices. In order to set up your price matrix, be sure to review any User Defined Fields necessary and ensure they are configured correctly.
Price Matrix allows companies to set up seasonal service pricing based on the factors that are important to them. In addition, this tool allows users to seamlessly mass update & maintain pricing from one location, even if needing to take into account modifying factors. The ability to set as “Do Not Allow Invoicing” allows companies who custom price larger properties based on variance as sizing increases.
Once the user has logged into FieldCentral, navigate to the settings page via the quick access panel.
Select to open “Services”
Then select “Price Matrix”
When entering the price matrix last value ranges pricing structure there are a few additional options to keep in mind to account for pricing exceptions.
These pricing exceptions can be managed in two different ways via a Price Matrix:
- Select “Do Not Allow Invoicing” on the final value range
- This will force manual intervention and provide either a price override or Property Level Pricing (PLP)
- Utilize the pricing structure “Flat Rate plus each Additional Unit”
- This will allow the user to establish a flat rate in the event the property meets the minimum on that final value range but also provide the ability to establish a cost per each additional unit.
Irrigation Example: Since this value range is “18+ zones” users may want to have their pricing structure set to “Flat rate plus each additional unit”
The flat rate for 18 zones might be $300 but if the property happens to have 21 zones users may want to charge an additional amount per unit ($25 per additional zone).
21 zones: $300 + (3x $25) = $375.
Lawn Care Example: 5000+ sq footage range users may want to select the pricing structure “ flat rate plus each additional unit”.
The flat rate might be $150 but every additional sq foot might be an additional $.10. So that in the event a property has 5100 sq feet their pricing would be calculated as shown:
5100 sq feet: $150 + (100x $.10) = $160
If a visit reaches billing that has been flagged by a Price Matrix as a value with “Do Not Allow for Invoicing” the user will see this Alert icon and message within the Billing Page.
This alert will force the user to provide a manual price override before it can be sent to billing.
We highly encourage our clients to set up and leverage this tool if they are needing a way to manage how services are priced in a scalable way that will save you time. By using the Price Matrix tool, users can mass update pricing structures and take into account modifying factors as needed. Price Matrix is the ideal tool for standardizing your pricing across your customer base.
Please note that you are not able to adjust what is determined to be a “unit”. A unit is 1.
Reminder on FieldCentral Pricing Structure:
If there is no Price Override, the system will default to Property Level Pricing
If there is no Property Level Pricing, the system will default to Price Matrix values
If the Work To Do does not have a Price Matrix, the Work To Do Default (base) pricing will stand
*Price Matrix values will be used to determine estimates and ad-hoc visits including labor costs.
*Price Matrix values will not impact parts/material pricing
*Once an Estimate is converted to a Contract, the contacted visits will use the values in the contract regardless of updates to Price Matrices.