In this article we will cover how a FieldCentral user would schedule Work To Do (WTD) for the selected property.

Once the user has logged into FieldCentral they will navigate to the Schedule page either via the Main Menu or quick action panel on the left hand side of the screen.

Once the user has searched for the appropriate property they will click the "Schedule" button and the desired date from the calendar.

This will populate a panel on the bottom right of the screen where the user will select the desired service category and use the toggle buttons to select the appropriate Work To Do. 

***The rate and rate type will automatically fill in based on what is defaulted in the services/ WTD or Property Level Pricing (PLP).

Under the “Notes” tab the user will toggle on any notifiers desired for the Field App and add any important information to the Visit Notes field.

Select the time of day to schedule the property under the desired crew and then click the “Done” button to save and finish scheduling the WTD.

Ready to give it a go? Follow these steps the next time you are ready to schedule a Work To Do (WTD).