Sending Work Orders To Invoicing

This article contains information regarding the invoicing process inside the HindSite Solution Program. The eligibility for work order invoicing, options available when invoicing, and the process taken to send invoices to QuickBooks will be covered.

Before we go through the process the user would take to send invoices over to QuickBooks, it is important to review what makes a work order eligible for invoicing in HindSite. For any work order to send over to invoicing, the work order must be marked as complete and the service for the work order must have the billing type set to send to invoicing or invoice with no charge. If the service is set up to not be invoiced or a calendar event only, no invoice will be generated for the work order once completed.

To send invoices for the completed work orders, the user must first navigate to the Daily Must Do section of the program and then click “Send WO to Invoicing”. From the invoicing section of the program, the user may first adjust the date range of billing and the post date. 

Aside from the date ranges that adjust automatically to the start of the current day, there are some additional options that may need to be adjusted. These options do save once selected and used. However, these options are saved on the user level and may need to be adjusted for any new users added to the program that may be running invoicing.

By default, the user can also run invoicing for a specific technician within the date range. However, the user can click the by customer checkbox in the options side to group the invoices by customer and provide the option to filter by a specific customer.

Additionally, the option to filter by a specific work order number is available in the event you need to manually send or re-send an invoice. Once all the filters are entered correctly, you can click Run to produce the billing preview.

After clicking run, the billing report will display all work orders filtered on the previous window. From here, you can review the invoices before sending them to QuickBooks. If you notice an adjustment that is needed for one of the work orders, you can click the WO Maint button at the bottom of the screen and select the work order you would like to update. Do note that the invoicing will need to be re-run if any adjustments are made to a work order during the preview.

If the previewed invoices appear correct, you can click the Send to QB button at the bottom of the screen to start the transfer of invoices over to QuickBooks.