This article goes over the steps required to set up flat rate items inside FieldCentral. These steps include Navigating to the Flat Rate Parts, Adding Flat Rate Categories, and Entering In Flat Rate Items.


Understanding Flat Rate Parts allows your organization to better represent assemblies and provide additional add on services and labor to estimates in FieldCentral. Along with being used for estimates, Flat Rate Parts can also be used from the field devices when additional tasks are performed or assemblies are used during the visit.

First, the user must navigate to the Settings portion of the program. The user can navigate to this section by clicking the Settings Icon in the bottom left section of the screen.

From the settings section, the user would then click Open under Services.

After entering the service settings, the user would then click Open under Flat Rates.

Once inside the Flat Rates section of the program, the user would click the green plus icon in the top right corner to add a new Flat Rate Category or Flat Rate Item.

If the user is adding a category, the user would enter the Category Name and determine if the Flat Rate Category should remain active. Once entered, the user would click save to save the Flat Rate Category.

If the User is adding a Flat Rate item, the user would first distinguish what Flat Rate Category the Flat Rate item will be assigned to using the Assigned To field on the flat rate item.

Once categorized, the user would then enter the Flat Rate Number/Name. If the flat rate item should relate to a QuickBooks line item that is different than the Flat Rate Number/Name, the user would populate the QuickBooks Full Name field.

Once the Flat Rate Number/Name is entered, the user would then enter the Time associated to the Flat Rate item in hour units along with the associated Price to the Flat Rate Item. If the Flat Rate item should not be eligible for a material discount, the user can enable the Disable Discount function to make the item ineligible for a material discount.

If the Flat Rate Item being added is an assembly of various materials, the user can click the green plus symbol to the right in the materials section to associate materials and the quantity of those materials that should be attributed to the flat rate item.

Once all materials are added if needed, the user can click save in the bottom right corner to save the flat rate item for use on estimates and visits in FieldCentral.