This report uses FieldCentral collected data to compare payroll hours worked to revenue brought in (sold) by tech, for a specific time period.

Report looks at the employee time records to figure out the cost  of each visit as far as payroll is concerned. That is compared to revenue that is generated by the visit, the visits total price. Also includes details of the revenue and % of revenue, tech hours, and the average revenue generated per hour for each crew. Totals are added to display an overall total for the timeframe. 

Field Name

Data Source

Date From

Starting date of report

Date Thru

Ending date of report

Crew Name


Gross Revenue $

The total price of generated revenue for the selected date range.

Gross Revenue %

The percentage of the generated revenue for the selected date range.

Tech Hours

The amount of hours the tech was timed into a job

Avg Rev/Hour

This is the "Gross Revenue $" divided by the "Tech Hours"