A detailed summary of what an employee did or did not do for that period of time as well as what revenue was produced by that employee for that time period.

Report looks at the employee time to get a total of how many times a service was done, provides calculations for how much was billed, cost, pricing, and profit. Report can be searched by date, Work to Do, or Crew

Field Name

Data Source

Date From

Starting date of report

Date Thru

Ending date of report

Work To Do

Work to do services



Work To Do Type

The name of the service


The amount of times that service was performed

Total time

This is the amount of time that the service was clocked into.

Time %

This is the percentage of time for this report.

Avg Time

This the "Total Time" divided by the "WTD Qty"

Report Avg

The average time for the report. Includes all services listed.


The price is the materials plus the labor

Labor Price

The amount that was paid out in labor

Material Price

The amount that was used for materials

Gross Profit

The amount that was generated by this service