In this article we will cover Crews, which are established within the Settings portion of the platform. 

Knowing how to create and manage your crews is essential for effective scheduling and job completion. 

Once logged into your FieldCentral web account, navigate to the Settings Page either via the Main Menu or the quick access panel. 

Select “People”. 

Crews are used to organize the daily schedule. They allow you to section off which group of employees will be scheduled for which visits.

To add a new Crew, click the green plus button on the top right of the Crew section. 

The first step will be to provide a Crew Name, which will be based on how you organize your crews/how you like to schedule visits/routes. 

Next will be to establish how many members will be a part of this crew. Its important to note that as the number of crew members increases, the allotted time for the visit when it is placed on the schedule/route decreases.

EX: if a 1 hour visit is placed on the schedule/route of a crew with 2 members, it will only block off 30 mins of the schedule. 

Select if the crew is active (appears on the schedule (route)/able to schedule visits) or inactive (is not visible on schedule (route)/cannot schedule visits).

Disabling the contact list means this crew will only be able to see the contacts for the visits in which are placed on their schedule/route and not the full list of contacts within your FieldCentral account. 

“Allow Empty Remarks” will not require the crew to provide a wrap up report at the end of the visit. 

If users would like to keep daily completed visits visible within the Field App and not disappear following the crews websync they will opt to “Display Completed Visits”.

To determine how many days the crew is able to look at their schedule into the future, establish the desired day count here with “Visible Future Days”.

Lastly, you will need to establish the crews “Visit Time Options”. 

If Complete/Incomplete is selected then no other details are tracked other than if the job was completed or incomplete.

“By Crew” will allow you to track the crews time in much further detail. 

  • Shop time: track how much time crews are spending in the shop/barn
  • Travel time: any travel outside of driving to visits
  • Lunch: track crews lunch time
  • Drive time: track time spent Driving to a property for a scheduled visit
  • Show dollars: see the total price of the invoice and materials price
  • Price override: the ability to override the final price of the invoice 
  • Prompt to websync after every time out: *suggested to always have on* will prompt the crew to websync after they time out of a job. 

*”Invoice Class” does not currently have any functionality and is a placeholder for a future capability. 

Once all selections have been made, click “Create”. 

Now that the crew has been created, you are able to tie account users to this particular crew so that when they websync from their Field App, any visits placed on this crews schedule/route will appear for them in the field. 

Be sure to review your crews and ensure they are setup just as they are needed to be for accurate time scheduling/routing and accounting for crew time.